Building Your Own Table

Jun 21, 2021

People often struggle with having say so in how their business or career is managed. Having a seat at the table where decisions are made is important to ensure your voice is heard. This week on The Black Compass, we touch on how to build your own table in order for you to have a business that is strategic about its operations, hires, and company vision.

Focusing on diversity when building your table impacts your community as well as enriches your business. Join us as we go into detail on how to be intentional about who you invite to your table in order to have your business grow and reflect your vision accurately.

Episode Highlights:

  • Building your own table (0:32)
  • Wielding control (7:40)
  • Balancing career and entrepreneurship (9:00)
  • Establishing goals (13:02)
  • Being intentional on who you bring to your table invite (14:30)
  • Diversity at the table (19:02)


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Hey, I’m Dynasti.

I’m on a mission to help leaders at all levels and industries build a racial equity-centered mindset, recognize the power within to create change, and disrupt inequitable systems 

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