When You Are Able to Know Your Limitations

Dec 2, 2020

It’s the “Fourth Quarter” Woo sah! It’s been a long year for everyone. We. Are. Tired. As the year comes to a close, we fight the grind and try to push through and finish the year strong. But while you make that last push, make sure you take care of yourself and do not push yourself too far. Hosts Dr. Jess and Dynasti are here to help you wind down and remind us to be kind to ourselves.

In this episode, we discuss how we set limitations in our professional and personal lives. We explore the idea of being okay with not juggling everything and allowing some things to be removed from our daily to-do list! 

“And whether your expectations of me have fallen short or not, I can’t carry those for you. I have to be able to say these are my limits.”

“You have to set boundaries, you have to be able to identify your limitations, and it’s okay to let the plate drop and break for your own sanity.”

Episode Highlights:

  • Knowing Your Limitations: [0:24]
  • Burnout!: [7:00]
  • Personal Audits: [10:14]
  • 4 P’s: [16:32]

Resources Mentioned:

Dr. Jess’ website: https://drjesswilliams.com/ 

Dr. Jess’ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ucdrjess/ 

Dynasti’s Website: https://www.dynastihunt.com/ 

Dynasti’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dynastihunt/


Hey, I’m Dynasti.

I’m on a mission to help leaders at all levels and industries build a racial equity-centered mindset, recognize the power within to create change, and disrupt inequitable systems 

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